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Project information

Support Endesa Red on FutuRed tasks on flexibility markets

J.P. Chaves T. Gómez M. Correa

September 2020 - May 2021

Funding entity Endesa RED S.A

FutuRed is the Spanish Electricity Grids Platform that was created with the mission of promoting the technological evolution of Spanish electricity transmission and distribution grids. Its objectives include:
1. To collaborate with companies in the Spanish electricity sector so that they can develop new products and services based on technology and innovation for the new energy supply scenario.
2. To strengthen R&D cooperation between electricity companies and their suppliers of goods and services, especially SMEs, research centres and universities.
In this area of collaboration, Endesa Red is leading a working group on flexibility markets with the participation of various stakeholders, including electricity companies, suppliers, research centres, etc.
The objectives project are the following:
1. Definition of new mechanisms for resilience markets adapted to real-time operation, congestion management, voltage regulation, island control, among others.
2. Define guidelines for Sandbox for flexibility in DSO networks: describes how DSOs should act in an optimal way to buy and activate network services, in a reliable and efficient way, in a controlled environment where active consumers can participate.
3. Define the optimal coordination schemes between agents. Defining the conditions for cooperation between all actors, including the detection of barriers to consumer participation and their adaptation in new flexible markets.

Layman's summary: The objectives project are the following: 1. Definition of new mechanisms for resilience markets. 2. Stablish general guidelines for Sand
